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Beished's Brand Background

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Matsapha, Manzini, Eswatini
Graduate '05 BSc. Biochemistry, University of Zululand. 5 years hosting an International Exchange Service Learning Program. Facilitating research dialogue for African Traditional Leadership on (HIV & Poverty Alleviation), Neurocysticercosis Project, Eswatini. Co-Author in Cancer Drug Discovery and Therapeutic Studies, MSc. TMU-MLSB/CHLee Lab & YFLin Lab,Taiwan, 2018-2020. PhD Candidate UNESWA, 2023/24.

Neuroscience & Artificial Intelligence

Beish currently attached to YFLin Lab, TMU University, MLSB, Taiwan 2019, working on AD cell models for studies meant for the activation of neurotrophic pathway, inhibition of amyloidogenic processing, inducing neuronal survival and differentiation. I Beished comments "In fact I would really appreciate practical clinical cases. Remember we're not focusing on madness but AD, Parkinson's, Dementia and others, targeting old age adults above 65 years. Particularly laba labanashukela type2".

 Poster Presentation June 2020

The effects of purine compound in Alzheimer’s disease Model Cells.


  1. http://new.observer.org.sz/details.php?id=9618

  2. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10218301375258311&id=1009242902
